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Your international volunteering network in urban sports and culture scene.

The European Union has strong interest in volunteering in the EU in general and many EU policies speak in this regard: the Article 165 TFEU, Aarhus Declaration (2003), White Paper on Sport (2007) up to the latest one (2019 annual work programme for the implementation of Erasmus+). Additionally, the EU actively promotes social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, especially under the Erasmus+ programme. That is why this project aims to promote voluntary activities at urban sport and culture events - places where urban sport and culture meet.


The overall objective of the project is to increase employability of youth with fewer opportunities through volunteering at sport events which will be achieved with the following activities: 

  1. Recruitment of volunteers.

  2. Implementing the non-formal education training.

  3. Organising volunteering experience at urban sport and culture events.

  4. Creating a huge promotional campaign. 

The project lasts for 36 months.The target groups are young people (16-30) with social, economic and/or geographical obstacles who will take part in all of the aforementioned activities. 

During the project we plan to produce three intellectual outputs: 

  1. NFE training for volunteers.

  2. Volunteers handbook for urban sport and culture events.

  3. The volunteering web application.

The project will be carried out by a project consortium made of 7 partners from 6 European countries (one is a Partner country from war affected area) and a group of 19 people who represent NGOs from urban sport and culture scene, non-formal education experts and umbrella sport organisation - all duly working with volunteers in everyday life.

After the project, we expect to 

  1. Strengthen the international volunteering network in urban sport and culture scene. 

  2. Enhance, recognise and validate volunteers' skills and key competences. 

  3. Exchange good practices and prepare the handbook for volunteers and the volunteering app and carry out a huge promotional campaign. 

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