Volunteers from Sumy, Ukraine joined our project in their first NFE trainings. Due to the situation with Covid-19 restrictions in Ukraine, sport events and various social gatherings were cancelled in 2020 so we had to wait for better conditions to include volunteers to participate in the project. Happy to say that merging NOOB and PRO levels was successful and selected volunteers were thrilled to participate. Total of 9 volunteers joined the project. NFE NOOB and PRO trainings were held from June 21st to 25th and afterwards volunteers got to volunteer at the Sumy Extreme Style sport festival.
Volunteers got to learn more about Extreme Style festival and what work is involved in organisation of sport event. Within trainings they were introduced to various organising sectors and learned how to register NGO, where to find funding for their sport event and how to use their communication skills through lobbying game.
Prior to the Sumy Extreme Style Academy festival volunteers helped with the set up of the event, covering all organisational sectors from preparations at the skate park, sport competition, music to marketing and social media communication.
The organisers hosted a volunteers party within two weeks after the event where volunteers were awarded with sponsors gift bags. This was the time to discuss all that they've learned and volunteers had the opportunity to evaluate their expectations prior to the project and after.
This is Kyrylo, the association's chairman conclusion on the project benefits for their organisation: 'In the previous years as organisers of Extreme Style Academy festival we have never involved volunteers in this kind of educational activities where volunteers get to learn about event management. Also this is the first time we could really afford to provide our volunteers with merch necessary to work at the festival, such as T-shirts, hoodies, reusable water bottles, waist pouch etc. The true value of this Urban Sport and Culture Volunteers project is beneficial in many ways as I see young people who give birth to new projects essential for any sport event as they continue to give inspiration, strength and cool support!'