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Champions Factory Ireland Volunteers reached GOD level

NFE GOD training was implemented throughout 2 days, from November 1st to 6th, 2022. A total of 6 volunteers attended the training. The training began with registration of all the volunteers and a quick recap of the USCV project including an overview of the agenda for the day. The planned activities followed the guidelines for the workshop. The trainer led some icebreakers to get the volunteers on their feet and comfortable with each other before introducing the learning material. This was followed up by activities that involved critical thinking and team building.

The first learning activity was training for volunteers for sport event management by increasing relevant skills and key competences so they become more competent on the labour market. We followed the format that covered non-formal education methodology, based on learning by doing principle. It has provided theoretical knowledge but the focus would later on be on practical experience.

Given the fact that volunteers who participated in NOOB and PRO levels weren't retained, the training of new participants covered the following topics; volunteering at sport events - key roles and tasks, sectors of volunteering, phases of volunteering, identifying key skills and competences for volunteering at sport events, statutorily organisation of NGOs, volunteer legislation, funding and sponsorships, how to get grants from local authorities, sports federations and sport event management from planning and preparation to implementation and evaluation including budget management, volunteers coordination, marketing and promotion,event protocol, communication, safety and security.

As a way of reviewing the impact of sports organisations on society, the volunteers were asked to reflect on what Champions Factory was doing well, not doing well and what could be improved on.


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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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