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3rd Transnational Project Meeting

Urban Sport and Culture volunteers project partners participated at another project meeting on December 4th. This was our 3rd transnational meeting. Although we weren't able to enjoy snowy Ljubljana as planned, we joined it online. We had a follow up on our project activities and prepared the work plan for the time ahead.

Main focus was on the evaluation of our project activities so far and the project progress report with review on current status. Getting updates from partners who are facing difficulties in organising sports events due to the COVID-19 pandemic was valuable as partners will be implementing NFE trainings in the next year.

Pannonian shared the evaluation of project activities implemented within Pannonian Challenge: recruitment of volunteers, NFE NOOB training, volunteering at sport event, awareness raising campaign. Pannonian included the status of preparation materials for volunteer handbook and volunteering application as well.

The partners were presented with the draft for the NFE PRO training methodology which Champions Factory Ireland partners helped design. The emphasis was put on having partners well prepared prior to the training as the content of it is getting more demanding both for our volunteers and partners, so there is more work to be done here.

Project coordinator received much needed feedback from partners. We are feeling more motivated to co-create and finalise amazing training sessions for the next year. A big Thank You to all partners who stayed engaged throughout entire online session. Hopefully we get to travel soon and host the meetings in person.

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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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