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23. Pannonian Challenge VolonterOs

Total of 64 volunteers helped organise the 23. edition of the Pannonian Challenge that was held in Osijek from June 15th to 19th 2022. Volunteers were divided into 11 organisational sectors and gave their best to make yet another great festival by giving their time and bringing valuable support to the organisation. They have collected more than 2750 working hours among themselves during the three week volunteering period.

Volunteers that went through NFE GOD training prior to volunteering were introduced to what it actually takes to organise a sport event and at the event they got an opportunity to show what they learned. Most of the volunteers who participated in the training helped in preparations prior to the opening of the festival and were the first to find out Osijeks' skatepark's fresh new look by helping change its iconic black colour to a sky blue shade.

Same as previous year we involved volunteers in various tasks. For example volunteers from the social media and press sector were in charge of creating content having the freedom to decide on the tone and message they are delivering through project social media channels. Some of them had the assignment to help out with the organisation of multiplier sport event for the Eufit project and a couple of them had the task to help create texts for our volunteering application that is in its final stages of development. Volunteers covered info, athlete and music zones, helped with tv production, infrastructure and maintenance jobs and as in the previous two years conducted the award ceremony proudly presenting our project during international tv broadcast.

Happy to have such enthusiastic and hardworking young people each year and that our volunteer family circle is still growing strong. Hoping to share smiles, happy tears and dance moves next year!


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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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